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Dear Sir / Madam,
thank you for visiting us. By filling out this 5-10 minute survey, you will help us obtain the very best results.
Popularity 137 ×
Don’t lose clients. Prevent them from leaving. If they insist on a change, give them a termination of service questionnaire template and determine the cause.
The survey sample is ideal for
Are your clients leaving and you don't know why? The only solution in this situation is to ask them. What are the main reasons for dissatisfaction that lead to these decisions? Can they be directly identified and is it possible to prevent further customer outflows? Use a survey with pre-prepared questions, which you can adjust as needed. With regular and long-term surveys, you can track how each customer behaves and, according to the first signs leading to change, intervene in a timely and adequate manner.
The questionnaire template can be fully edited. Survio will process your answers into well-arranged tables and graphs.
Rated excellent on
Survey templates make your start quick and smooth. Collect any feedback effortlessly.