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Dear job candidate / colleague to-be👋
Your opinion matters to us. Please take 5 minutes to give us your feedback which will help us improve our hiring processes and make sure the job candidates get maximum opportunities to show their potential.
We truly appreciate your insight and your time.
Important: The survey is anonymous.
Popularity 492 ×
Do HR employees do quality work in your company? Use a job recruitment satisfaction questionnaire template and check their quality.
The survey sample is ideal for
Ask the candidates themselves to evaluate the course of the admission procedure and the level at which they were presented with information about the offered position, focus and structure of the company or its visions and goals. The survey will also assess the professionalism of your HR employees and you will find out which elements or approaches to improve in the process of finding new employees. Get an overview of where job seekers are coming from and save on ineffective advertising costs.
The questionnaire template can be fully edited. Survio will process your answers into well-arranged tables and graphs.
Rated excellent on
Survey templates make your start quick and smooth. Collect any feedback effortlessly.