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Dear job candidate👋
Thank you for applying for the position of the [vacant job position title] and submitting your CV.
Please take 5 minutes to answer this survey and provide additional information on your qualifications and personal attributes that will complement your profile.
We truly appreciate your time.
Popularity 450 ×
Are you hiring a new employee? The job candidate preselection questionnaire template will make it easier and faster for you to select candidates for the next rounds.
The survey sample is ideal for
This way you avoid reading long and confusing CVs. You can filter candidates according to their skills, level of education, work experience and other parameters you want to focus on. You will then invite to a personal interview those whose profiles will best correspond to the assumptions based on the description of the position. You can freely modify all pre-prepared questions and adapt the structure of the questionnaire template to your needs.
The questionnaire template can be fully edited. Survio will process your answers into well-arranged tables and graphs.
Rated excellent on
Survey templates make your start quick and smooth. Collect any feedback effortlessly.