This is a paid feature. 

How to Send Email Invitations:

  1. Click "Get Responses" from the top menu in your survey, or click Share in the survey builder, then select Send Invitations.

  2. If this is your first invitation campaign, click Invite respondents in the pop-up window.

  3. Choose how to add contacts: either manually or by uploading a CSV file.

  4. Enter the email addresses you want to invite.
    Tip: If you're using the email invitation feature for the first time, start by sending the invitation to a few addresses (e.g., your own, colleagues, friends) to get familiar with the process and settings. Once you're comfortable, add all email addresses and launch the campaign. Note that once the campaign is sent, it cannot be edited or changed.

  5. For bulk invitations, you can upload a CSV file with all email addresses.
    You can download a demo file to see how the CSV layout should look to avoid errors.

  6. Once your contacts are uploaded, click Continue.

  7. Edit the invitation text and subject line. If needed, you can also change the sender name (you cannot specify a different email address than your Survio account).
    The invitation text should explain the purpose of the survey, include information about the survey owner or company, and clarify how you obtained the recipient's email address.
    Tip: You can schedule the campaign by clicking When to send and setting the exact time and date.

  8. Test the invitation before sending it to everyone. Click Send test invitation to see how it looks in your inbox. If everything looks good, click Continue.

  9. Set automatic reminders by clicking Create Reminder. Reminders are sent only to contacts who haven’t completed your survey after a certain period, helping you collect more responses.

  10. You can either use the default reminder message or create your own. Reminders can be scheduled 3, 5, 7, or 14 days after the initial email. If you don't want to create a reminder, click Delete reminder before continuing.

  11. Before sending, read and confirm the terms and conditions.

Warning: Invitations will be sent immediately unless you specify a delivery time. You cannot cancel a running campaign once it's sent.

Administering Email Invitations

You can monitor the progress and statistics of any active invitation campaign. This includes:

  • Delivered invitations

  • Opened invitations

  • Click rate

  • Response rate

You can also track individual respondents to see whether they’ve answered the survey.

To view this information, go to the Get Responses section of your survey, click Email Invitations, and then click the graph or arrow icon next to the campaign you want to inspect.

  • The graph icon provides a summary of the statistics.

  • The arrow icon shows detailed information about each respondent’s status.

In addition to tracking performance, you can use this data to contact individual respondents or fine-tune your invitation campaigns by running A/B tests.