To add a matrix question, click on the corresponding option when creating a new question. You can toggle between single choice and multiple choice options using the menu on the right-hand side.

Single choice matrix


The single choice matrix is ideal for combining multiple similar questions, where respondents select one answer per row. It works well for scale questions, like Likert scales, and helps optimize and shorten your survey.

Analyzing results

Results can be analyzed by evaluating frequencies in both relative (percentages) and absolute terms (number of occurrences) for each row.

Visualize results

Summary results are displayed as a classic bar graph. You can also use a stacked bar graph to show response ratios.

Multiple choice matrix


This type allows respondents to choose multiple answers per row, offering more flexibility in their responses. It's useful for gathering feedback across multiple parameters, though not suitable for scale questions like Likert scales.

Analyzing results

Frequencies can be evaluated in relative (percentages) and absolute terms. Keep in mind that the total number of answers may exceed the number of respondents, as they can select more than one option.

Visualize results

Due to the nature of this question type, only column charts can be used to display the results.