Getting started

You can integrate Survio with your internal systems by using our API. to automatically retrieve data from various resources. This data can be used for further analysis. You can, for example, send a satisfaction survey to your customers and have Survio forward their responses automatically to your CRM or any BI tool to monitor and evaluate the data. This gives a company management an opportunity to take prompt and proper action, or plan consistently in the long-term run.

Please contact us to get an API token.

You must authorize your API token here:


Using the API

The request to the API is performed by HTTP protocol to host “”. To read the data, however, it is necessary to obtain credentials. 


To execute requests, you need authorization, which is done via the API token. The token is sent in the HTTP header. The format of this type of header is like this: 


Authorization: Bearer <token>


An example of the request to get responses will then look like this:


Example request


The token is generated specifically for your account, so you can therefore only access data for your account. The token has no expiration date but it can be revoked by request. 

Anyone with the token can access your account data via API in a read-only mode. Although it is not possible to delete or otherwise damage the data, we recommend that you keep the token safe to prevent misuse. 

Each resource contains the URL, a request method, a request scheme, and a response scheme.


You can find more detailed information about each API endpoint on the reference page


Paging and filters

Each resource that lists records provides a maximum of 30 results per request. The results are arranged in a descending order, starting with the latest entry. If you exceed the amount of 30 results, you can use a GET parameter:


?page=<page number> 


to display individual pages with subsequent results. 

Page numbering starts with “0”, which in practice means that


“?page=0” displays the first page,
“?page=1” displays the second page,
“?page=2” displays the third page etc. until the request returns no result.


Each resource also allows application of various filters to specify results. You can choose from

  • date → filters results by a specific date

  • from - to → filters results by a defined time interval

  • completion time → filters results by amount of time needed to complete the survey

You can, for example, get a record of responses received after a particular date using the following format: 



It is also possible to chain filters to set a specific time interval, for example: 




Rate limits

The main purpose of rate limits is to ensure reliable API operation, constant data availability and data abuse prevention, so you have all the information you need at your disposal at any time. Thee 1.000 HTTP requests per hour and user.