
Impact of Nutrition Education on Dietary Habits and Lifestyle Choices of Females in Ilorin West

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


Have you participated in any nutrition education programs before?

Please select one option.

Rate the impact of nutrition education on your dietary habits on a scale of 1 to 10.

Please rate from 1 being the lowest impact to 10 being the highest impact.

How has nutrition education influenced your lifestyle choices?

Please provide your response in text.

Do you feel more confident in making healthy food choices after receiving nutrition education?

Please select one option.

How often do you incorporate nutrition knowledge into your daily meals?

Please select one option.

In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge to maintaining a healthy diet?

Please provide your response in text.

Which aspect of nutrition education do you find most beneficial?

Please select one option.

Rate the effectiveness of the nutrition education programs in Ilorin West on a scale of 1 to 10.

Please rate from 1 being the least effective to 10 being the most effective.

Have you noticed any positive changes in your health since participating in nutrition education?

Please select one option.

What additional support or resources would help you further improve your dietary habits?

Please provide your response in text.