
Survey on Promoting Harmony Among Students in Educational Institutions

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


What types of initiatives do students perceive as most effective in promoting harmony among diverse religious groups?

This question is a single-choice question allowing students to select the initiative they perceive as most effective.

How often do students participate in activities or events aimed at fostering religious harmony within their institution?

This question is a star rating question to rate the frequency of student participation in such activities or events.

How do students rate the impact of institutional initiatives on building positive relationships among students?

This question is a text answer question allowing students to express their opinions on the impact of institutional initiatives.

What other initiatives do you suggest for promoting harmony among students?

This question is a text answer question allowing students to provide their suggestions for promoting harmony.

Are you aware of any instances of religious intolerance within your institutional community?

This question is a single-choice question to determine students' awareness of religious intolerance incidents.

Have you ever participated in an interfaith dialogue session?

This question is a single-choice question to determine if students have ever participated in interfaith dialogues.

Rate the effectiveness of cultural exchange programs in promoting harmony among students.

This question is a star rating question to rate the effectiveness of cultural exchange programs.

What role do you think educational institutions should play in fostering religious harmony?

This question is a text answer question allowing students to express their opinions on the role of educational institutions.

Do you believe that promoting religious harmony enhances the overall learning environment?

This question is a single-choice question to determine students' beliefs on the impact of promoting religious harmony.

Rate the level of inclusivity in your educational institution regarding religious diversity.

This question is a star rating question to rate the level of inclusivity in terms of religious diversity.