Physiotherapy Students Quality of Life and Quality of Education - 2022

Dear student, 

thank you for participating in the questionnaire survey focused on the quality of life and quality of education of the students studying bachelor program of physiotherapy, and its comparison between different European universities. 

The questionnaire is anonymous. It consists of 3 major domains (general information about the respondent; quality of life and quality of education). The quality-of-life domain is divided into 5 subcategories (stress; sleep quality; nutritional habits; physical activity; paid job). The quality-of-education domain is divided into 2 subcategories (satisfaction with the study program and knowledge of the physiotherapy methods).

It takes about 20-30 minutes to fill in the questionnaire. 

Please mark the appropriate response just by yourself. If you are not sure which answer to select, please choose the answer that comes closest to your opinion. 

It is  possible to mark more than one answer in some questions (= multiple choice), please, mark all the items describing your opinion. 

Please answer all the compulsory questions. At the end of each domain, there is an open question to add any thoughts or comments that come to your mind while filling the specific domain. These questions are optional, however, your feedback might be useful for improving the questionnaire.

If you need help, please contact us by email (

Thank you very much for your cooperation! 

This statement describes how your personal information will be processed in the study:

A link for the agreement of the ethical committee from the Czech Republic:

By submitting, you agree with participating in the study, and all given data can be analysed and anonymously used.

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