
Sorcerer Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming an Elderwoods Sorcerer to help me lead this amazing community! Please complete the following as your application. 


What is your IGN?


Do you have previous experience as admin or mod in Discord servers or other large community platforms?

Select one answer

Do you understand that the Sorcerer role comes with heavy responsibility as we create a powerful team to move forward?

Select one answer

What is your vision for the server as we move forward?


Do you agree to clearly communicate with all staff members regarding any server related issues or issues that come up during parties to find the correct course of action?

Select one answer

Will you be able to work with a team of individuals to create a safe space within our community to have fun and enjoy a game we all love?

Select one answer

What is something you hope to do within the server as a Sorcerer? (i.e: engage with the community more, create new parties or competitions, etc.)


Do you understand that the Sorcerer role will also have the responsibility of helping manage the server and making difficult decisions such as server bans?

Select one answer

Will you be able to manage the time that it takes to help run a discord server along with your day to day activities?

Select one answer

Will you be able to help other staff members create events, co-host, and moderate the chat as needed?

Select one answer