
Survey on the Role of Head Teachers in Implementing Quality Assurance for Effective Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools Bosso Local Government Niger State

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


How would you rate the effectiveness of the head teacher in ensuring quality assurance for mathematics teaching?

Please rate on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 being least effective and 10 being most effective.

What challenges do head teachers face in implementing quality assurance for mathematics teaching?

Please provide your response in the text box below.

Do you believe head teachers should receive additional training on quality assurance for mathematics teaching?

Please select one of the options below.

In your opinion, what specific strategies can head teachers implement to improve mathematics teaching quality?

Please provide your response in the text box below.

How frequently do head teachers conduct classroom observations to monitor mathematics teaching quality?

Please select one of the options below.

Are there any existing systems or tools that head teachers use to track and improve mathematics teaching quality?

Please provide your response in the text box below.

Do head teachers collaborate with mathematics teachers to develop effective teaching methods?

Please select one of the options below.

What are the key indicators of effective mathematics teaching that head teachers should focus on?

Please provide your response in the text box below.

Should head teachers involve parents in ensuring quality mathematics education for students?

Please select one of the options below.

How important do you think the role of head teachers is in enhancing mathematics teaching quality?

Please rate on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 being least important and 10 being most important.