

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.

Experiment Design

What gender are you?

Select one answer

How much is your monthly income?

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This is an experiment in decision making. In this experiment, you get 100€ from the University for each of the following projects. However for every project ther is a certain threshold amount that must be reached in order to realize the project. If the threshold is not reached, the project will not be implemented. But you won't get the money you donated back either. How much are you willing to donate to the following projects?


Increase biodiversity

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Create workshops for sustainability

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create more animal sanctuaries

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Support devellopping countries

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Climate protection overall

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Plant trees all over the world

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Imagine that many of your friends an classmates have already donated a portion of their 200€ to the project "plant trees", and they encourage you to do the same. How much would you donate to this project now?

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Imagine that donors who contribute the most will have their names displayed on a commemorative plaque in the place where the trees has been planted. How much will you donate now?

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Imagine the top donor of the project "plant trees" will receive a special price, such as a gift card or certificate of appreciation. How much will you donate now?

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Imagine that this donation drive (of the project "plant trees") is a competition among different university departments and the department with the highest totaldonation will receive a special recognition at a university event. How much will you donate now?

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Now imagine that the threshold of the project "plant trees" is on average of all participants 50€. How much will you donate now?

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Imagine that by choosing eco-friendly products, you contribute to reducing waste, but the environment impact depends on a certain number of consumers making similar choices. The exact number of consumers needed is not clear. Would you be willing to pay more for these green products despite the uncertainty?

Select one answer