
Eyewitnesses Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


Were you present at the meeting at Tanza parish house on 27 March 1897?

Select if you were present or not

Rate the importance of the decisions made at the meeting on a scale of 1 to 10

Rate with 1 star being the least important and 10 stars being the most important

Please share any additional details or comments about the meeting

Enter any additional information you want to provide

Do you think the decisions made by Supremo should have been respected?

Share your opinion about respecting Supremo's decisions

How would you rate the transparency of the proceedings at the Tanza parish house?

Rate the transparency with 1 star being the least transparent and 10 stars being the most transparent

Did you witness any denials from different sectors regarding the revelations?

Indicate if you witnessed any denials or not

Which sectors do you think were involved in denying the revelations?

List the sectors you believe denied the revelations

How impactful do you think these revelations are in the context of the election at the friar estate house?

Rate with 1 star being the least impactful and 10 stars being the most impactful

Would you like to provide any suggestions for ensuring such incidents are avoided in the future?

Share any suggestions or recommendations you may have

Overall, how would you describe your experience with the revelations regarding the meeting at Tanza parish house?

Briefly describe your experience or feelings about the revelations