
Healthy Food Survey

Hello all, by spending 2 minutes of your time fulling out this survey you will help us out a lot on finding out important information for our CCA project. Thanks, Rilla, Brooke, and Gretal.

Healthy Food Survey

We are trying to find some good ideas for delicious healthy food choices for your morning tea and lunches. Please full out these question properly.

Healthy Food Survey

What is your name? Please specify in box below. (last name and first name)

Eg, Gretal Goddin
Healthy Food Survey

What year level are you?

Eg, year 7
Healthy Food Survey

Do you have any allergies? If so please specify in box below.

Eg, dairy
Healthy Food Survey

Do you like many healthy foods? Please rate out of 5 stars.

Eg, 3/5 stars
Healthy Food Survey

What healthy foods do you enjoy? Please specify in box below.

Eg, avocado, mushrooms, broccoli
Healthy Food Survey

What food flavors do you prefer?

Eg, Sweet
Healthy Food Survey

What are some of your favorite savory foods? Please specify in box below.

Eg, pies, pizza, and sausages
Healthy Food Survey

What are some of your favorite sweet foods? Please specify in box below.

Eg, cake, chocolate, and macaroons.
Healthy Food Survey

What are some of your least favorite foods? Please specify in box below.

Eg, orange, pumpkin, chicken, and ice cream.
Healthy Food Survey

Are you happy with the selection of snacks you have in your lunchbox?

Eg, yes
Healthy Food Survey

Would you change anything in your lunchbox? If so specify in box below.

Eg, I would like less fruit.
Healthy Food Survey

Are you happy with the amount of food in your lunchbox?

Eg, I am happy with the amount of snacks in my lunchbox.
Healthy Food Survey

What are some of your family favorite meals? Please specify in box below.

Eg, Soup
Healthy Food Survey

What are your favorite lunch box snacks? Please specify in box below.

Eg, Chips, donuts, and apples.
Healthy Food Survey

How much would you be willing to pay for a box of healthy snacks? Please specify in box below.

Eg, $35
Healthy Food Survey

Do you have any comments?

Healthy Food Survey

Thankyou for completing this survey, your results will help us greatly in finding good ideas for delicious, healthy snack choices for lunchbox's.