Relevance of Sustainability in Sports Events

As part of my bachelor's thesis, I am conducting a survey on the topic of sustainability in sporting events.

Participation is anonymous. Your answers will only be used for the scientific evaluation in my work and will be treated confidentially.

Thank you for participating and have fun answering!

Time required to complete the survey: 3-5 minutes.

Relevanz von Nachhaltigkeit in Sportveranstaltungen

Please enter your age

Pick one answer only.

Please enter your gender

Pick one answer only.

Please indicate your highest qualification

Wählen Sie eine Antwort

How important is sustainability to you in your everyday life?

On a scale of 1 (Not important) to 5 (Very important)

In which areas of your everyday life do you try to behave sustainably?

You can specify other areas in the next question. Pick multiple answers.

If you would like to specify other areas, please list them here.

If not, you can skip this question

Which sports do you find interesting?

You can mention other sports in the next question. Please pick multiple answers

Here you can name other sports.

If not, you can skip this question.

How actively do you follow the sports you mentioned

On a scale of 1 (Not at all) to 5 (Very active)

How important is sustainability to you in the sports you mentioned?

On a scale of 1 (Not at all important) to 5 (Very important)

How do you assess the commitment to sustainability of the sports you mentioned?

On a scale of 1 (not at all committed) to 5 (very committed)

Are you aware of sustainability programs in the sports you mentioned?

Pick one answer.

What impact do these sustainability programs have on your interest in the sports you mentioned?

Pick one answer.

Control question: Select No here

Pick one answer.

How well do you know Formula 1?

On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (very good)
question image

How do you rate Formula 1’s sustainability program?

On a scale of 1 (not at all committed) to 5 (very committed)

Which of the following sustainability measures from Formula 1 are you familiar with?

Select multiple answers.

What impact do these sustainability measures have on your interest in Formula 1

Pick one answer.

What percentage of CO2 emissions do you estimate to be caused by the actual operation of the racing cars?

Pick one answer.

Do you have any specific ideas or suggestions on how you think the sport could be improved to become more interesting?

Vielen Dank für das Beantworten dieser Umfrage.

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie die Umfrage ebenfalls teilen und weiterleiten könnten.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen

Sahan Karakus