
Welcome to The Server!

Welcome to Mama Bear's Den! This survey is to determine the level of activity that we can expect from our members here as this discord is one that will be focusing on community involvement as much as it is about having a blast together talking, hanging out, and having fun! 


Why do you normally enter discord servers?


Do you mute servers?

I ask this because I believe that the purpose of having a discord server is not to mute them & forget about them or lurk. It is to relax, have fun, and enjoy each other's company.

What would your level of involvement in this server look like?

This is to gauge the kind of activity I can expect from you moving forward

If you want your time to be less active in the discord server, which of the following could you be more committed to do?

I ask because not all people are going to be active all the time, but I'd still love to have those that are willing to still talk in there from time to time.