
Student Snack Preference Survey

Dear Sir or Madam, please take a few minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire.


What is your preferred snack?

Please select one option that best represents your preferred snack.

What time do you prefer having snacks?

Rate your preference on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the least preferred and 10 being the most preferred.

How much are you willing to spend on snacks?

Please provide the amount in your local currency.

Do you have any allergies?

Please select 'Yes' or 'No' based on whether you have allergies.

How can we improve our services?

Please provide any suggestions or feedback on how we can enhance our services.

What new product would you like to see?

Please suggest a product or item that is different from what is currently offered at the university.

Are you satisfied with the variety of snacks available?

Please select 'Yes' or 'No' based on your satisfaction with the snack variety.

Would you be interested in seasonal snack offerings?

Please select 'Yes' or 'No' based on your interest in seasonal snack options.

How often do you purchase snacks on campus?

Please select the frequency that best represents how often you buy snacks on campus.

Which snack option do you miss having on the menu?

Please indicate if there's a particular snack option that you miss and would like to see available.