
Lifestyle Survey for Cookery Book Development

The data will only be processed by me, Mischa. I use the data to find out how many calories people including children and young people of different ages, gender and sporting behaviour consume. This data is used to develop my cookery book series.

Work Life Balance

What is your gender?

This question about gender refers to biological differences that can affect calorie expenditure. Even if someone identifies with a different gender, the biological sex is relevant for this nutritional analysis as it influences metabolism and caloric needs.

What is your age?


What is your height?

in cm

What is your weight?

in kg

How many hours do you sleep on average per night?

Work Life Balance

How many hours do you work on average per day?


How active are you at work?

Select one answer
Work Life Balance

How active are you in your leisure time?

Select one answer

How many hours do you exercise per week?


What do you exercise?

Work Life Balance

Thank you so much for taking the time to participate in this survey! Your support means a lot to me. My goal with these cookbooks is to create something that resonates more closely with real-life experiences and the individual needs of those who are actively engaged in their nutrition journey, rather than sticking strictly to the standard values set by organizations like the DGE, NHS or EFSA.

If you're interested in receiving your personalised results, please leave your email address or Instagram name in the comment box or DM me on Instagram.

Thank you again for your valuable input!

Best Wishes



Your email address or Instagram. Only for the first 10 feedbacks

OPTIONAL. Not mandatory. Only if you are interested in knowing your personal calorie consumption.