
Trauma Processing and Wellness Resources for Journalists

Study Title: Understanding Journalists' Coping Mechanisms and Mental Health Support When Covering Terror and Trauma

Researcher(s): Dana Coester, West Virginia University and Brianna Nargiso, Black Alder Labs

Introduction: You are being invited to participate in a research study that seeks to understand how journalists cope with covering traumatic events, how they engage with mental health services post-exposure, what wellness resources are available in newsrooms, and what recommendations they have for media personnel and news organizations.

What You Will Do: If you agree to participate, you will complete a survey that includes questions about your experiences with covering traumatic events, personal coping strategies, and the mental health resources available to you. The survey is expected to take approximately 15-30 minutes of your time.

Voluntary Participation: Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw at any time without any penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.

Confidentiality: Your responses will be confidential. No personal data that could identify you will be collected without your explicit consent. All data will be stored securely and only accessed by the research team for analysis.

Risks and Benefits: Your responses may contribute to a greater understanding of the topic and potentially inform improvements within the field of journalism. There may be some discomfort in remembering and describing stressful events. For your completion of this survey, the next 15 participants will each receive a $100 gift card. ALL other completed survey participants names will go into a drawing to receive one of three additional $500 gift cards!

**Please allow 1-2 week processing time for gift cards**

Consent: By clicking the "start" button at the bottom of the page, you are acknowledging that you have read the information provided above, have had the opportunity to ask questions, and agree to participate in this research study.

Contact Information: If you have any questions or concerns about the study, please contact:

Brianna Nargiso (briannanargiso@gmail.com)

Takara Pierce (takara@blackalderlabs.org)

Chelsea Fuller (chelsea@blackalderlabs.org)


First Name


Last Name


Email address

This question will be used to contact you should you win our gift card raffle!

Who is your current employer? (Please specify the news organization or indicate if you are self-employed/freelance.)

Personal and identifiable information will not be shared publicly or in any research reports

What is your current role or beat within the newsroom?


What trauma-related stories have you covered during your career?

Select all that apply

How many years of professional journalism experience do you have?

Select one answer

What is your race or ethnicity?

Select one answer

What is your gender identity?

Select one answer

Please indicate your age range:

Select one answer

How would you categorize your level of stress when covering traumatic events?

Select one answer

How would you categorize your level of anxiety when covering traumatic events?

Select one answer

On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the level of support you have from superiors when covering traumatic events?


On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the level of support you have from your peers when covering traumatic events?

without the presence of superiors

What coping mechanisms do you employ after reporting on a traumatic incident?

Select all that apply

Please describe a particular event coverage that has had a lasting emotional impact on you?


In your experience covering traumatic events or systemic issues, how often have you considered seeking help for your mental health?

Select one answer

How concerned are you about the perception of seeking out professional mental health support if you are having a hard time after covering a traumatic event?

Select one answer

Have you ever sought professional mental health support after covering a traumatic event?

Select one answer

If you selected no for the previous question, why not?

Select one or more answers

How often do you engage in conversations about mental health with your colleagues or superiors?

Select one answer

What types of mental health resources, if any, have you found most helpful after reporting on trauma?

Select all that apply

What kind of support does your newsroom offer to journalists who cover traumatic events e.g., counseling services, debriefings, mental health days)?

Select all that apply

How accessible do you find the current mental health resources in your newsroom?

Select one answer

How helpful do you find the current mental health resources in your newsroom?

Select one answer

Are there specific programs or resources that you wish your newsroom provided to support mental wellness?

Please be as specific as possible

Please indicate how important/useful in-house counseling services would be to your job.

In-house counseling service is a form of counseling available in the workplace instead of offsite in a counselor's office.

Please indicate how important/useful mental health days would be to your job.

Mental health days are days you are able to take off or have limited work responsibilities for the purpose of resting, recharging, and rejuvenating your overall mental health .

How important/useful would peer support programs be to your job?

Peer support programs are informal, non-directive efforts to empower people to share their experiences with one another to improve their mental health and quality of life.

How important/useful would trauma informed reporting strategies be to your job?

Trauma informed strategies are evidence-based guidance on news choices, language usage and ethics in reporting on the impact of trauma on individuals, families and communities. It provides recommendations for appropriate use of terminology and special considerations when reporting.

How important/useful would access to external mental health professionals be to your job?

External mental health professionals include but are not limited to psychologists, psychiatrists, therapist, and counselors.

How important/helpful would resources for stress management and relaxation (e.g., mindfulness apps) be to your job?

Select one answer

How important/helpful would workshops on mental health and resilience be to your job?

Select one answer

How important/helpful would regular debriefing sessions after covering traumatic events be to your job?

Select one answer

What advice would you give to other journalists about managing the emotional effects of covering trauma?

Please be as specific as possible

In your opinion, what could newsrooms do to better support journalists covering traumatic events?

Please be as specific as possible

Can you share any practices or strategies that you or your newsroom have implemented successfully to mitigate the impact of trauma faced by journalists?

Please be as specific as possible