Dear RCS responsible, please take 15 minutes of your time to complete the following questionnaire from the perspective of your implementing team.
Welcome! As this is the first pilot, this is your chance to take influence on the future proceedings of the Regenerative Cotton Standard. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
In the first part of the survey, we look into the onboarding process. That is the phase between approaching you as a potential piloting partner, until you started with implementation.
Done? Please move on to the next page.
This set of questions refers to the period after onboarding until now.
Please rate the QUALITY (in sense of suitability) of the guidance provided (1 is very poor, 5 is very good).
At the end of the questions you can leave a comment.
These questions relate to the management requirements for Managing Entities. We start with the Reference Line and go through the RCS-related documents and processes you've had to to work upon. Please rate them according to CLARITY regarding what was expected of you, the EFFORT it took, and their USEFULNESS for your work.
This survey only touches upon requirements which are not aligned with CmiA requirements.
Done? Great! Then let's move on to a little quiz!
Test your knowledge on the management of RCS with these quiz questions and share your experience with us.
Thank you very much for answering this survey!