Thank you for reaching out to BMS Formation, a French CPD course provider established in 2019, offering premier consulting services in osteopathic research.
Recent literature suggests that early osteopathic principles were likely influenced by Native American healing traditions and passive manual approaches (Zegarra-Parodi et al., 2019; Mehl-Madrona et al., 2023). Of particular significance is the body-mind-spirit tenet within osteopathy, which can be traced back to its Native American roots and has been reintroduced by the profession (Rogers et al., 2002). This influence has been reevaluated within the context of person-centered care principles, informing evidence-informed osteopathic practices.
Our vision is to propose a medical anthropological perspective on this legacy of traditional, complementary, and integrative principles to advance the osteopathic profession. We aim to promote ethical, culturally sensitive, and evidence-informed patient-centered care within a Western secular environment. These inclusive approaches are designed to align with patients’ values and expectations, whether shaped by Western or non-Western sociocultural beliefs, ultimately enhancing their satisfaction and clinical outcomes.
We are delighted to share our experience and expertise in this field and assist you in developing your own research project through our premier consulting service, named Service for Osteopathic Writing: Sharing Experience and Expertise on Design (SOW SEED).
This consulting service is priced at 300€ (three hundred euros) and includes a thorough examination of your request by a member of our team, a comprehensive report featuring suggested literature for your project, and a one-hour face-to-face Zoom online meeting with Rafael Zegarra-Parodi for debriefing.
With this service, you will receive a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) roadmap to guide your efforts and increase the likelihood of project success.
Please take a moment to complete our current survey, comprising 12 questions, to help us understand your project and determine how we can best assist you (estimated completion time: 20/30 minutes).
Best regards,
The BMS Team
En application de l’article 15 du Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD) qui est entré en application en mai 2018, BMS Formation s’engage à respecter les dispositions réglementaires et déontologiques sur la protection des données à caractère personnel. En conséquence, nous vous garantissons la confidentialité des informations que vous nous transmettez lors de vos prises de contact via nos questionnaires en ligne. Les données collectées seront communiquées aux seuls destinataires suivants: M. Rafael Zegarra-Parodi, référent pédagogique et référent handicap, et M. Guillaume Renaud de la Faverie, référent administratif de BMS Formation. En aucun cas vos données personnelles ne sont transmises à des tiers dans un but commercial. Vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression permanent sur toutes les données vous concernant. Pour toutes questions relatives à vos données personnelles et à l’exercice de vos droits liés, vous pouvez contacter le délégué à la protection des données à l’adresse électronique suivante : info@bms-formation.com